Tag Archives: Museum

I’m Seeing Double

Last night after we finished our post in the aperitif bar, we headed over to Il Pizzaiuolo for some Pizza.  The place was packed and the pizza was delicious.  Their house wine even came in a bottle with their name on it.

This morning we woke up early to make it to our appointment at the Academia. Unfortunately, today was forecasted to be another wet day so we bundled up and headed off to our appointment.

When we got there, much to Dave’s surprise, Michalangelo created a 15 foot tall sculpture of his likeness and named it after him.

Attached to the museum was a small room dedicated to musical instruments.  There was even a poster for this sweet renaissance metal band.  They really rocked the lute we hear.

After the museum, the next goal of the day was to find a barber as Dave’s beard had become a bit out of control.  We had a plan on where to go, but when we got there (before it opened) there was already an hour long wait.  Luckily, Dave saw a place that was essentially called styles by Toni.  When we got there, Dave asked if he spoke English, Toni did not.  Sara was nice enough to translate for him and told him exactly what he wanted instead of pranking him saying he wanted a mullet or some other crazy option.

After getting shorn, they headed off to the Medici Chapel to check out some old rich people’s graves.  There were also quite a bit of relics in here including many bones and even a finger.  Gross.

The Chapel was designed by Michalangelo and had quite a bit of his works. The coolest part was his hand drawn notes on the wall that are still there.

After the chapel we headed to the Officina Profumo – Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella. This was a beautiful rennissance aged perfumeria/pharmacy that has been in continuous operation.  It was very beautiful. They even had a potion to help Sara but unfortunately they were all out.

Tonight we are off to eat some Sicilian food and tomorrow we leave Firenze for Montepulciano.